What is 
BUG Zone?

BUG Zone was established to bring together game developers and enthusiasts in the Turkish game industry through events and activities that create a shared space.

We are committed to laying the groundwork for a club structure that is visible within the local game industry and recognized for its impactful activities. Our mission is to build a sustainable club model that attracts attention with its quality initiatives.

With the mission of uniting game developers under one roof, we organize game jam events, office tours, interview simulations, developer meetups, and workshops.

Game Jam

Known as Game Jams, these events typically involve intense programming, design, and development processes lasting 48 to 72 hours.

Participants work in teams to develop a game from scratch within the designated time frame. Game development marathons provide an excellent learning and networking opportunity for both experienced and new game developers alike.

As BUG Zone, we organize our own game jams and collaborate with global events such as Global Game Jam in Istanbul. In this context, we aim to host six different game jams this year.


Interview Simulations are key events organized by our club to provide members with practical experience to help them prepare for real job interviews.

By creating realistic interview scenarios, the event helps participants feel more comfortable and prepared during the job application process.


Office Tours provide club members with the opportunity to closely observe the inner dynamics of the game development industry.

These tours are organized at the offices of game studios and other relevant organizations operating at both local and national levels.

Participants have the chance to explore real game development environments, meet industry professionals, and learn directly from their experiences.


Developer Meetups are events organized by our club that provide our members with the opportunity to exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas with industry professionals.

These meetups facilitate interaction between game developers and industry professionals, offering a chance for in-depth learning about the game development process and networking opportunities.

Talks &

Industry Talks and Workshop Events are interactive learning activities regularly organized by our club.

These events aim to provide students with practical knowledge and skills regarding various aspects of the game development process. 

They also offer opportunities for direct communication with industry professionals and valuable feedback.


We enhanced our developer conference, ZoneTalks 2.0, by drawing strength from the mission and vision values we established for our signature event.

With more indie teams, more balanced panel distributions, and greater collaboration, we took ZoneTalks to the next level.


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